Scholarly Communication 101: Choosing the Right Conferences, Journals and Publishers
Tuesday, October 10th, 12:00 PM - Malpass Library, 3rd Floor Computer Classroom

Each Department at WIU has their own criteria for tenure, including attending and speaking at conferences, publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals or writing books. Finding an appropriate venue for scholarly communication, whether it be a conference, journal or book publisher, can be difficult. Journals are especially problematic because of the growth of "predatory" journals and publishers, which publish anything submitted (for a fee) without adequate peer-review. This session will provide information on identifying and choosing an appropriate conference, book publisher and journal for publication, including the possibility of publishing in Open Access journals. URL for Library Guide:
Also offered Thursday, November 2nd, 3:30 PM
Sign up for workshops through the CITR Workshops website
For questions or more information, contact Linda Zellmer at or (309) 298-2723.
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