Laws of Illinois 1818-1839
Laws Passed by the First General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their second session, held at Kaskaskia. Kaskaskia [Ill.]: Blackwell & Berry, 1819. From Google Books. Another Copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws Passed by the Second General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their First Session, commenced at Vandalia, December 4, 1820 and ended February 15, 1821. Vandalia [Ill.]: Brown & Berry, 1821. From Google Books. Another Copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws Passed by the Third General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their First Session, commenced at Vandalia, December 2, 1822 and ended February 18, 1823. Vandalia [Ill.]: Blackwell & Berry, 1823. From Google Books. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws Passed by the Fourth General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their First Session, commenced at Vandalia, November 15, 1824 and ended January 15, 1825. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, 1825. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws Passed by the Fourth General Assembly of the State of Illinois at their Second Session, commenced at Vandalia, January 2, 1826 and ended January 28, 1826. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, 1826. From Google Books. Another Copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
The Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, Enacted by the Fifth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the Fourth day of December, 1826, and ending the Nineteenth of February, 1827. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, 1827.
Laws of a Private Nature, passed by the Fifth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the Fourth day of December, 1826 and ending the 19th of February, 1827. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, 1827. From Google Books.
The Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, Enacted by the Sixth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the First Monday of December, 1828; and Those Enacted Previous thereto , and ordered by the said General Assembly to be Re-Published. Shawneetown, Ill.: Alexander P. Grant & Co., 1829. Another Copy digitized by Southern Illinois University.
Laws of Illinois, passed at Seventh General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the first Monday in December, 1830. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, Public Printer, 1831. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
The Revised Laws of Illinois, containing all Laws of a General and Public Nature passed by the Eighth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the Third day of December, 1832, and ending the Second day of March, 1833, together with all Laws required to be re-published by the said General Assembly. Vandalia: Greiner & Sherman, 1833. 8th General Assembly, 1833.
Laws of a Private Nature, Passed at the Eighth Session of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, begun and held at Vandalia, on Monday, the Third Day of December, 1832. Kaskaskia: R.K. Fleming, at the Office of the Randolph Free Press, 1833.
Laws of the State of Illinois, passed by the Ninth General Assembly, at their First Session, Commencing December 1, 1834, and ending February 13, 1835. Vandalia: J.Y. Sawyer, Public Printer. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws of the State of Illinois, passed by the Ninth General Assembly, at their Second Session. Commencing December 7, 1835, and ending January 18, 1836. Vandalia: J. Y. Sawyer, Public Printer. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws of the State of Illinois, passed by the Tenth General Assembly at their session. Commencing December 5, 1836, and ending March 6, 1837. Published in pursuance of law. Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer, 1837.
Incorporation Laws of the State of Illinois Passed at a Session of the [Tenth] General Assembly, begun and held at Vandalia the 6th Day of December, 1836. Published in Pursuance of Law. Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer. 1837.
Laws of the State of Illinois, passed by the Tenth General Assembly at their Special Session, commencing July 10, and ending July 23, 1837. Published in Pursuance of Law. Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer, 1837. Includes both Public & Private Laws within same text.
Laws of The State of Illinois, passed by the Eleventh General Assembly at their Session began and held at Vandalia, on the Third of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred And Thirty-Eight. Published in pursuance of Law, Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer, 1839.
Incorporation Laws of the State of Illinois Passed by the Eleventh General Assembly, at their Session begun and held at Vandalia the Third Day of December, 1838. Published in Pursuance of Law. Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer. 1839.
The public and general statute laws of the state of Illinois, containing all the laws published in the "Revised statutes" of 1833, except such as are repealed, --together with all the acts of a general and public nature, passed by the Ninth General assembly, at their first session, commencing December 1, 1834, and ending February 13, 1835; and at their second session, commencing December 7, 1835, and ending January 18, 1836; and those passed by the Tenth General assembly, at their session commencing December 5, 1836, and ending March 6, 1837; and at their special session, commencing July 10, and ending July 22, 1837; which are not repealed: and also the Militia law, compiled and arranged alphabetically, with occasional references. Chicago: Stephen F. Gale, 1839. From Google Books. Another Copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Laws of The State of Illinois, passed by the Eleventh General Assembly, at their Special Session began and held at Vandalia, on the Ninth of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred And Thirty-Nine. Published in pursuance of Law, Vandalia: William Walters, Public Printer, 1839. 11th General Assembly, 1840.
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