Community Arts Grant

Performing Arts Society Mission Statement

The purpose of the Performing Arts Society shall be to assist the College of Fine Arts and Communication in raising funds to support arts programming through the Youth Performing Arts Series, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and other programming centered around the arts at Western Illinois University and the Macomb community. Activities shall include community and audience development, fund-raising, providing a social atmosphere for cultural activities, and increasing the public awareness of the need and value of the performing arts.

General Information


The PAS Community Arts Grant will “support community and audience development” and “increase the public awareness of the need and value of the performing arts” through its support of arts in the community, providing financial assistance for performing arts activities in the community or to support travel for regional or national performance opportunities.

Application Deadline

Grants are due by the listed deadline below. Please download the application and email your typed application to by the deadline.

Application Deadline

  • May 10, 2024

Download the Form



  1. Applicants must be students, student organizations, or professional artists residing in McDonough County at the time of application, or a civic entity or organization that promotes the arts.
  2. This application is open to all ages, however, if applicant is 16 years or younger at the time of applying, applicant must provide a letter of approval from a parent or guardian.
  3. All facets of the application must be complete to be eligible for consideration.



  1. Grants are awarded based on projects, activities, performances, or events that directly relate to the mission of the Performing Arts Society. Special consideration will be given to activities that directly impact the arts in our community.
  2. Projects, activities, performances, or events must promote excellence in the performing or visual arts, support community and audience development, and increase the public awareness of the need and value of the arts.
  3. Upon completion of the event, awardees are required to submit a report to the PAS Board within thirty days. The report should include a narrative describing how the funds were spent and outcomes achieved by the event, including how the activities increase the public awareness of the need and value of the arts.
  4. Funding must be spent during the period for which it is awarded. Funding may not be used to pay stipends to WIU employees or to fund graduate assistantships.
  5. Grant recipients must coordinate any promotional material with the COFAC Assistant to the Dean for Marketing and Communication. Recipients are responsible for all promotion and marketing costs. Promotion and marketing efforts about projects, activities, performances or events must include, at a minimum, a press release.
  6. Special consideration will be given to those proposals that include matching funds from WIU or other entity.
  7. All awards are contingent upon available funding. If no funds are available, no awards will be given.

Arts Grant Committee


The PAS Arts Grant Committee, a standing committee of PAS, will review applications and make recommendations to the PAS Board of Directors for approval.

Application and Timeline


Funding will be awarded to applicants that meet all criteria, submit a complete application, and are positively reviewed by the Arts Grant Committee. All proposals are subject to review and approval by the PAS Board of Directors.

**New in 2024-2025: There will be one granting period in which projects must take place. This is based on the WIU fiscal year of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025.**


Once complete, please email your application to by 11:59 p.m. on May 10, 2024.  

Please email or call Dana Moon, with your questions.

Dana Moon, Performing Arts Society
College of Fine Arts & Communication
Western Illinois University
Browne Hall 116
(309) 298-2583