Minor in Music Business
Required courses 7 s.h.
- MUS 141, Introduction to Music Business (2 s.h.)
- MUS 341, Music Publishing (2 s.h.)
- MUS 248 Intro Video & Audio Production for Live Music (3 s.h.)
9 s.h. selected from
- MUS 180, Fundamentals of Music (3 s.h.)
- MUS 181 & Mus 183, Theory I (2 s.h.) and Aural Skills (1 s.h.)
- MUS 190*, What to Listen for in Music (3 s.h.)
- MUS 195*, American Popular Music (3 s.h.)
- MUS 196*, Music in the Rock Era (3 s.h.)
- MUS 394*, Music in World Cultures (3 s.h.)
- MUS 397*, Jazz Survey (3 s.h.)
- MUS 348 Adv Video & Audio Production for Live Music (3 s.h.)
- BCJ 101 Digital Media Production I (3 s.h.)
- THEA 145 Fundamentals of Lighting and Sound (3 s.h.)
* counts as General Education
4 s.h. selected from
- MUS 241 Music Practicum (1 s.h.)
- MUS 242, Music Industry Career Prep (1 s.h.)
- MUS 321 Music Entrepreneurship (2 s.h.)
- MUS 342, Music Administration (2 s.h.)
- MUS 343, The Music Products Industry (2 s.h.)
- MUS 344, Artist Development (2 s.h.)
- MUS 345, The Recording Industry (2 s.h.)
- MUS 441, Current Issues in Music Business (1 s.h.)
Total 20 s.h.
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