Required Courses
Description |
ENG 180 |
College Writing I. (3) Introduction to college writing, with an emphasis on the writing process, reflective writing, and critical thinking. All sections taught with word processors. Graded A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, U, F. |
ENG 280 |
College Writing II. (3) A second course in college writing, to be taken during sophomore year. Emphasis on the interaction between writer and reader. Prerequisites: ENG 180 and at least 24 s.h. earned. Designated sections taught with word processors. Graded A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, U, F. |
Choose one course |
COMM 241 |
Introduction to Public Speaking. (3) Preparation and delivery of informative and persuasive speeches. Students apply concepts of critical listening, audience adaptation, organization/support of ideas, appropriate style, and effective delivery. Not open to students with credit for COMM 242. |
COMM 242 |
Fundamentals of Public Speaking. (3) Preparation and delivery of informative and persuasive speeches. Students apply concepts of critical listening, audience adaptation, organization/support of ideas, appropriate style, and effective delivery completed in an online format. Not open to students with credit for COMM 241. |
Lab Science - biological (4 s.h.) |
Human Well-Being (3 s.h.) |
Multicultural Studies (3 s.h.) |
ART 180 |
An Introduction to Art. (3) Designed to help students understand our cultural background and the role art plays in contemporary life. The functions, styles, structure of art, and the interaction of medium and meaning. Contact with art forms, visual aids, and readings are utilized to stimulate student responses to aesthetic qualities in the visual arts. Does not count for art majors. |
Lab Science – physical (3 s.h.) |
GEOG 110 |
World Regional Geography. (3) A survey of the world's regions emphasizing the spatial arrangements of resources, population, institutions, economic activities, and cultural landscapes, and their significance for distinctive regional problems. |
POLS 122 |
American Government and Politics. (3) Development, organization, powers, limitation, and practical problems of the governmental and political system of the United States. |
ECH 271 |
Early Childhood Education. (3) History and philosophy of early childhood education, recent trends, programs, and techniques for education of children, birth through eight years. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. |
Social Science Elective (3 s.h.) |
ECH 273 |
Growth and Development of the Young Child. (3) Social context in which child functions, development within family, social institutions. Pre- and post-natal forces, effects upon child, techniques for dealing with them. A minimum grade of C is required of Teacher Education majors. Restricted: early childhood program or departmental permission. |
MATH 106 |
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. (3) A first course in Mathematics for elementary school teachers examining the real number system from an algebraic perspective featuring problem solving, applications, and concrete representations. |
EIS 202 |
Multicultural and Social Foundations of Education. (3) A study of the social, linguistic, and cultural factors that affect the educational experiences, practices, and environments in America. This course broadens students’ understanding of the diverse pluralistic nature of the contexts that either enhance or negate one’s educational experience. Field experience—10 hours required. A grade of C or above must be earned for teacher licensure. |
MATH 206 |
Geometry for Elementary School Teachers. (3) A second course in Mathematics for elementary school teachers examining geometry and data analysis featuring problem solving and applications using concrete and pictorial representations. |
MUSIC 190 |
World Regional Geography. (3) An exploration of basic elements--rhythm, harmony, melody, texture, and form--with musical illustrations from various styles and media. Recommended for those without music background. |
CSD 312 |
Normal Development of Speech and Language. (3) Study of the development of speech and language from birth through six years of age. |
IDT 285 |
Technology Integration Standards for Pre-Service Teachers. (3) Introduces pre-service teachers to fundamental concepts, skills, and attitudes for applying technology in educational settings, as defined by ISTE National Technology Standards for Teachers and ISBE Technology Standards for All Illinois Teachers. Open only to students in the Teacher Education Program. |
LLA 311 |
Literature for Young Children. (3) A survey of literature for children birth through grade three. Selecting books in various genres through critical analysis and evaluation is emphasized. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. |
ECH 274 |
The Young Child as a Learner. (3) The child's acquisition of language, intellectual, and personality development. Relationship between child's growth and development, his/her activities outside and within social institutions. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education students. Restricted: early childhood program or departmental permission. |
SPED 210 |
The Exceptional Learner. (2) A survey of the characteristics of individuals with diverse mental, physical, behavioral, learning, or communication needs. This course emphasizes the identification and education of exceptional learners. For non-majors only. A minimum grade of C is required of Teacher Education majors. |
IDT 278 |
Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs. (1) Explores the research on using assistive technology devices with children with special needs, offers pre-service teachers the opportunity to develop the technological skills needed to work with children included in the regular classrooms who are required to use these technologies. Provides hands-on experience using these devices. Open only to students in the Teacher Education Program. |
KIN 360 |
Methods of Elementary Physical Education. (2) Introduction to teaching physical education in K-5. Designed especially for the elementary classroom teacher candidate. May include some field experiences and outside teaching assignments. Not open to Kinesiology majors. |
ECH 351 |
Science and Math for Young Children in Regular and Inclusive Settings: Birth to Preschool. (4) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing science and math curriculum for young children, birth to preschool. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. |
ECH 353 |
Methods for Teaching Social Studies & Creative Expression in Regular and Inclusive Settings: Birth to Preschool. (4) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing social studies and creative expression curriculum when teaching young children, birth to preschool age. A minimum grade of C is required of Teacher Education majors. |
RDG 382 |
Literacy Development: Birth through Preschool. (3) Methods and content for fostering and assessing literacy development in children from birth through the preschool years, adopting these methods to meet the individual needs of diverse groups of children, and applying these methods in child care and preschool settings. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. |
ECH 355 |
Organization and Administration of the Preprimary Learning Environment. (2) Principles and practices of classroom design, scheduling, curricular integration, and material selection in preprimary settings. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. |
ECH 380 |
Field Work in Early Childhood Education I. (1) Clinical experience in pre-primary early childhood settings. Students explore and apply learning theories and practices as they observe and participate in daily classroom activities/instruction. Graded S/U only. Minimum Required Field Experience Contact Hours: 30 |
SCED 352 |
Methods for Teaching Science in Primary Grades. (3) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing science curriculum when teaching children in the primary grades. A minimum grade of C is required of Teacher Education majors. |
RDG 383 |
Literacy Instruction in the Early Grades. (3) Introduction to developmentally appropriate methods for teaching and assessing reading, writing, speaking, and listening in early elementary classrooms, adapting these methods to meet the individual needs of diverse groups of children, and applying these methods in a classroom. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. |
SSED 354 |
Methods for Teaching Social Studies in the Primary Grades. (3) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing social studies curriculum when teaching children in the primary grades. A minimum grade of C is required of Teacher Education majors. |
MATH 362 |
Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades (K–3). (3) Methods and content for planning, implementing, and assessing math curriculum for children in the primary grades. |
ECH 381 |
Field Work in Early Childhood Education II. (1) Clinical experience in primary grade early childhood settings. Students explore and apply learning theories and practices as they observe and participate in daily classroom activities/instruction. Transportation not furnished. Graded S/U only. Minimum Required Field Experience Contact Hours: 30 |
ECH 474 |
Early Childhood Assessment. (3) Intensive investigation of informal and formal assessment strategies including basic principles of measurement and evaluation, to plan educational experiences, communicate with parents, identify children in need of specialized services, and evaluate programs for young children from birth through eight years of age. The administration of some assessment instruments is required. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. Restricted: early childhood program or departmental permission. |
C&I 476 |
Parent/Community Involvement. (3) Techniques for working with and involving families/communities, including conferencing skills, newsletters, home-visits, parent education, volunteers, meetings, and other ways to develop open communication and parental and community support. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education students. Restricted: departmental permission. |
RDG 432 |
Introduction to Corrective Reading in the Early Childhood Years. (3) Methods and content for assessing and instructional procedures for correcting the reading and writing difficulties of primary-aged children in the regular classroom setting. A minimum grade of C is required of teacher education majors. |
ECH 480 |
Field Work in Early Childhood Education III (3). Clinical experience in pre-primary and primary grade early childhood classrooms. Students explore and apply learning theories and practices as they observe, participate, and teach daily in the classroom. Transportation not furnished. Graded S/U only. Minimum Required Field Experience Contact Hours: 140 |
ECH 410 |
Senior Seminar in Early Childhood (1) Provides students with an opportunity for reflection, discussion, and professional reading related to their student teaching experience. Graded S/U only. |
STCH 459 |
Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education (PK-K) (6) A pre-school through kindergarten level student teaching experience. Open only to persons in the early childhood program. Required Clinical Student Teaching Hours: 8 weeks, Full-time |
STCH 460 |
Student Teaching--Primary Grades (K-3) (6) Student teaching in grades kindergarten through the third grade. Required Clinical Student Teaching Hours: 8 weeks, Full-time |
Early childhood education candidates enroll in education courses the second semester of the freshman year.
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