Lesson 1: Program Models

Bilingual Terms

All areas of education have a particular set of terms and acronyms. Bilingual education is certainly no exception. Before you begin this lesson, test your background knowledge. Place each term under the correct heading:


I do not know                     I think I know            I know what this means  















Click here to download a PDF of this activity.

Don’t worry if you found this confusing! You can download and print these terms and their explanations at the following link. Use this as you read through the various pages of the ISBE DELL (Illinois State Board of Education – Division of English Language Learning) at: http://www.isbe.net/bilingual/default.htm


ISBE Student Information System

As soon as a school has identified one or more ELLs in their school (See Module 3), they are required to enter information about each student into the ISBE Student Information System (or SIS).








The ISBE Student Information System provides a description of the elements required for ELLs.

This image only displays the first 2 two pages of the SIS.




Click here to download a PDF of the entire 2011 ISBE Student Information System.








Transitional Program Instruction

If a school is enrolling ELLs for the first time, it may be confusing or difficult to decide which program elements to provide. To help with this, we have grouped the different element descriptions by the typical applications of them based on the number of students in the program and who instructs them.








There are TWO basic program models required in Illinois based on the number of ELL students enrolled in an attendance center.



They are Transitional Program Instruction (TPI) and Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE).

Obviously small TPI programs are least likely to have knowledgeable staff in place to work with ELLs. For this reason it is very important that both the classroom teachers of these ELLs and the tutors assigned to help them receive initial and twice yearly training in how to instruct ELLs in the mainstream classroom.





Typical of small TPI programs (with no ESL/Bilingual certified teacher):

Content Area Tutoring (CAT) is one-on-one or small group tutoring/assistance to ELLs during school hours in the content areas, including English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Tutoring is generally provided by teachers other than bilingual or ESL teachers, and may be provided by an aide under the direction of a teacher.

Inclusionary Support (IS) support provided in the general education classroom.

Pull-Out for Individualized Support (PO) student is removed from general education classes for individualized or small group support.

Typical of large TPI programs (with one or more ESL/Bilingual certified teachers):

Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) programs often serve ELLs from more than one language background. Instruction is in English adapted to the students' English proficiency levels and provides modified curriculum based content.

Content-Based ESL (CBE) are programs in which English is taught through the content areas of mathematics, English language arts, science, and social studies.

Pull-Out ESL (POE) programs remove ELLs from general education classes to pre-teach, teach, or re-teach English language skills and/or academic content covered by the general education classroom teacher.