Centennial Honors College

WIU-Quad Cities Student Research Conference Abstract Submission Instructions

In order to make a Poster or Podium presentation, you will need to complete the WIU-QC Student Research Conference Abstract and Presentation Submission Form. Using the model abstract below, (1) state the type of presentation on the first line and (2) on the 2nd line add the title of your presentation followed by (3) your name and then (4) the academic department with (5) your faculty mentor's name. The abstract (200-250 words maximum) should contain the following elements: the purpose and significance of the research, scholarship, or creative activity; the steps taken to complete the project or activity; and the major findings and conclusions. Although discipline-specific terminology is invited, the abstract should be written to be understood by members from a wide range of fields. (Note: Only abstracts that meet these criteria will be accepted.)

By submitting abstracts, all presenters acknowledge that they have read and accepted the Guidelines for Participation and that research meets protocols for human, animal, and radiological research. All presenters also permit the release of photographs taken of them and their work on the day of presentation. If you have questions, please contact Jim Rabhcuk at JA-Rabchuk@wiu.edu.

Sample Abstract

Poster Presentation 
Determining the Optimum Site for a 500KW Wind Generator on a 400-acre Farm in West Central Illinois 
Wendy Ere 
Interdisciplinary Studies Program—Renewable Energy and Wind Technology
Faculty Mentor: Lang Pfanblad

Although moderate to strong winds cross the entire farm owned by the family of the principal investigator, the permanent installation of a wind generator demands optimum location for low cost installation and highest long-term efficiency. Not only yearly wind speed and duration, but also proximity to the utility building, safety, and landscape aesthetics were considered. A recent photo map of the farm was obtained and wind speed, direction, and duration were determined at twelve (12) selected locations over a calendar year using instruments mounted at the top of a portable 15-meter tower. A transmitter sent speed and time readings to a laptop computer programmed to record data by date and location for analysis. The best wind site (average 25 km/h from the west) on a low rise 125 meters from the utility building (which would be used for the power distribution panel) was also found to cause the least disruption of farm activity. Should a blade separate during operation, it would fly at a 90-degree angle from the farm house, barn, silo, and utility building. Furthermore, the site interfered least with the more attractive views of the farm. The data collected indicated that not only optimum wind speed, but that the site of the proposed wind tower is practical, safe, and aesthetic. (212 words)

Additional Abstract Examples


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