Advanced Placement Test
The advanced placement test is a computer based examination that places the student in the proper level of French or Spanish. The exam score will determine whether the student is placed in French or Spanish 121, 122, 223, or 224 (elementary or intermediate language classes) or in a 300/400 level class (advanced language classes) independently of prerequisites.
A student is not granted credit for merely taking the examination. Also a student, after speaking with the instructor, may choose to be placed in a lower level language course rather than the course indicated by the examination score. The department will always strive to place a student in the correct class by taking into consideration the student's Advanced Placement score, GPA and wishes.
To make an appointment, email the Department Chair
Dr. Luciano Picanco
Advanced Placement Credit Request
- Students beginning college language study at the 300- or 400-level may qualify, upon application, for advanced placement credit (equivalent to 122, 223, 224) by completing two 300- or 400-level courses (in the same language) with grades of C or better.
- Students who begin at the 224-level may qualify, upon application, for advanced intermediate placement credit (equivalent to 122 and 223) by completing 224 and one 300-level class (in the same language) with a grade of C or better.
- Students who begin at the 223-level may qualify, upon application, for intermediate placement credit (equivalent to 122) by completing 223 with a grade of C or better.
- Please note that a grade of C- does not fulfill this requirement. Credit cannot be earned for courses numbered 121, 122, 223, or 224 which are more elementary than coursework already completed, unless the credit is earned through Advanced Placement. Students earning the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy will receive credit for courses numbered 121, 122, 223, and 224 in the specified language.
To apply for advanced credit, please stop by Morgan Hall 332.
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