Department of Biological Sciences
Vaskar Nepal, Assistant Professor of Biology
Office: Waggoner Hall 301
(309) 298-1266
PhD – (2020) Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary.
Post-doctoral research – (2020-2022) Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary
Research Interests
Fish life-history, organismal physiology, Fisheries management, statistical and numerical modeling
Ichthyology, Zoology, Invasion Biology
Nepal, V., and M.C. Fabrizio. 2021. Reproductive characteristics differ in two invasive populations of blue catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10611
Fabrizio, M.C., V. Nepal, and T.D. Tuckey. 2021. Invasive blue catfish in the Chesapeake Bay region: a case study of competing management objectives. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10552
Nepal, V., M. C. Fabrizio, and R. W. Brill. 2021. Effects of food limitation on growth, body condition and metabolic rates of non-native blue catfish. Conservation Physiology 9(coaa129).
Nepal, V., and M. C. Fabrizio. 2020. Sublethal effects of salinity and temperature on non-native blue catfish: Implications for establishment in Atlantic slope drainages. PLOS ONE 15(12):e0244392.
Nepal, V., M. C. Fabrizio, and W. J. Connelly. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity in life-history characteristics of invasive blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus. Fisheries Research. 230:105650
Nepal, V., and M.C. Fabrizio. 2020. Density‐dependence mediates the effects of temperature on growth of juvenile blue catfish in nonnative habitats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149(1):108-120
Nepal, V., and M.C. Fabrizio. 2019. High salinity tolerance of invasive blue catfish suggests potential for further range expansion in the Chesapeake Bay region. PLOS ONE 14(11): e0224770
Thornton J.L., V. Nepal, L.D. Frankland, C.R. Jansen, J. Hirst, and R.E. Colombo. 2019. Monitoring demographics of a commercially exploited population of shovelnose sturgeon in the Wabash River, Illinois/Indiana, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 35(1):360-369
Pant, M., V. Nepal, J.L. West, and R.E. Colombo. 2019. Seasonal differences in diversity of macroinvertebrate and fish taxa in a Midwestern stream. River Research and Applications 35(6):692-701
Favata, C.A., A. Maia, M. Pant, V. Nepal, and R.E. Colombo. 2018. Fish assemblage change following the structural restoration of a degraded stream. River Research and Applications 34(8):927-936
Huynh, Q.C., J. Beckensteiner, L.M. Carleton, B.M. Marcek, V. Nepal, C.D. Peterson, M.A. Wood, and J.M. Hoenig. 2018. Comparative performance of three length-based mortality estimators. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 10(3):298-313
Nepal KC, V., M. Pant, C.R. Jansen, and R.E. Colombo. 2016. Seasonal patterns in diet composition of adult shovelnose sturgeon in a free-flowing river. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31(3):451-461
Nepal KC, V., R.E. Colombo, and L.D. Frankland. 2015. Demographics of shovelnose sturgeon in the Lower Wabash River, Illinois. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35(4):835–844.
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