March 27, 2025

WIU Symphony Orchestra to Perform Concert for Kids, Seniors and Community
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: COFAC Recital Hall
Description: The WIU Symphony Orchestra invites everyone to attend the concert. This performance is open free to the public.

The Western Illinois University Symphony Orchestra will perform a concert for kids, seniors and the community at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 27, in the College of Fine Arts and Communication (COFAC) Recital Hall.

The performance will include exciting music by living composers, including John Williams, Jordan Jinosko, Elena Kats-Chernin and Anna Roclawska-Musialczyk.

There will also be a march for service dogs by J.C. Sherman, where we will have an appearance by our own Colonel Rock, recognizing his service along with recognition of our military service dogs.


Living Composers presented by the WIU Symphony Orchestra

The Olympic Spirit (1988) - John Williams (b. 1932)

Dance of the Paper Umbrellas (2013) - Elena Kats-Chernin (b. 1957)

Toccata per archi: Hommage to Karol Lipínski (2022) - Anna Rocławska-Musiałczyk (b.1987)

Three Sketches of Unblemished Earth (2002) - Jordan Jinosko (b.1994)

Service Dogs March (2015) - J. C. Sherman (b.1971)

For more information, call the COFAC Recital Hall office at (309) 298-1843 or visit

Related Web Site: WIU ORCHESTRAS
Contact Information:
 Joanie Herbert
 Phone: 309-298-1843
Source: School of Music

Western Illinois University
1 University Circle * Macomb, IL 61455
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