Campus Safety: The Blue Light Callboxes

WIU Call Box

There are 49 blue light emergency call boxes installed across the Western Illinois University campus. Over the years, these call boxes have been upgraded to include American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance features, highly visible reflective markings and a flashing strobe light when the system is activated.

The systems are identified by two blue lights which are placed on top of poles with red and blue boxes attached. Anyone may notify police officials at ANY TIME of the day or night, 365 days a year, by pushing a button on the box. The call automatically goes to the OPS dispatch, which then sends an officer immediately to that location. In addition, when a person presses the button, they can remain in direct verbal contact with the telecommunicator until police arrive. The flashing blue lights serve as a beacon to responding officers and others in the vicinity.


Office of Public Safety
Mowbray Hall
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455


Phone: 309/298-1949
Parking Services: 309/298-1921
Access Control: 309/298-1940
Fax: 309/298-2884
