Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact Billing and Receivables?

You may email questions to or call 309-298-1831.

When will I receive my bill?

Our office sends bills monthly. Actively enrolled students will receive their billing statement via STARS. Notification will be sent to the student at their WIU e-mail address when each bill is produced and ready to view on STARS. The e-mail will include the account balance and due date. Detail must be viewed on STARS.

How do I know what address the Registar's Office has on file for me?

You can access all addresses WIU has on file through STARS.

How do I establish an additional billing email?

Students may establish additional email addresses for the billing notification on STARS under the Financials tab then select Billing E-Mail Addresses. These email addresses will receive the student's billing information and any additional notification emails from Billing and Receivables.

How can I obtain my account balance?

Students can automatically access account balances by selecting Account Detail on STARS under the Financials tab. The information is also available during regular business hours by calling 309-298-1831.

I have a credit balance on my account. Can I get a refund?

Send an email to or call 298-1831 to request a refund. The email must include your name and student ID# when asking for the credit to be refunded. If the credit can be released, a refund will be processed. Refunds will be deposited to the bank account designated by the student on STARS Direct Deposit Authorization.

Can I have my refund direct deposited?

Students may have their refunds directly deposited by completing the WIU Payments/Refunds section on the Direct Deposit Authorization screen located on STARS under the Financials tab.

Why is a check disbursement charged to my account?

When we issue students a refund, we must reflect a charge to represent the refund.

Why do I still owe when I received a refund?

Federal regulations state that we can only apply Title IV awards (Pell, Perkins, SEOG, Stafford Loan) to tuition, fees, room and board - not miscellaneous charges.

Where can I pay my bill?

WIU Payment Methods

Can I charge my books to my student account?

Yes, students are allowed to charge up to $600.00 for books only through the 8th day of classes each semester, excluding the summer semester.

Why am I charged for health insurance on my student bill?

Student Health Insurance information

Do I have to pre-pay tuition and fees?

We do not require prepayment of your semester charges with the exception of enrollment deposit. Fall semester charges are due August 28th, spring semester charges are due January 28th, and summer semester charges are due June 28th. After the due date a finance charge of 1% of the account balance is added each month, and the student will have a financial encumbrance preventing registration for future semester and release of transcripts.

I did not receive a bill email notification. Do I have to pay the finance charges?

Yes. Failure to view a bill is not a valid reason to void finance charges or payment of the account. It is the student's responsibility to notify the appropriate office of address or e-mail corrections.

How much will my tuition and fees be?

Tuition and Fee Schedule

My financial aid is not showing on my account. What should I do?

Contact the Financial Aid Office at 309-298-2446 or email

I withdrew from class, but did not receive a credit on my bill. Why?

Students enrolled in any combination of sessions, either on-campus and/or extension, must drop from the desired class within that session's 100% refund/credit period to avoid assessment of tuition and mandatory fee charges. Students will be assessed full tuition and fees in accordance with the University's tuition and fee schedule for classes dropped after the 100% refund/credit period.

How do I totally withdraw from the University?

Registrar's Refunds & Withdrawals page

What is the University Credit/Refund policy?

Registrar's Refunds & Withdrawals page

Can I use next semester's financial aid to pay for this semester's charges?

No. Financial Aid Title IV Funds may only be used for the semester's allowable charges in which the Financial Aid funds are disbursed. You must clear your encumbrance with personal resources.

What are University fees and why do I have to pay them?

University fees are mandatory fees charged per-hour to students taking classes at WIU. You can find a description of Macomb and Quad Cities fees here.

Billing and Receivables
1 University Circle
Sherman Hall 106
Macomb IL 61455

Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: (309) 298-1831
Fax: (309) 298-2032
