Fox Room

fox room

  • Dimensions: 15' x 30'
  • Theater/Classroom: 35
  • Workshop: 18
  • Conference/Open Square: 24

WIU Reservation Rate:  $30
Non-WIU Reservation Rate:  $50

Additional Fee Details:
- Registered student organizations are not charged for space for meetings or events that involve public, WIU students, faculty, and staff unless admission or participant fees (including donations) are charged or the event has non-WIU sponsorship.
fox ws - University departments will be charged the WIU rate for space rental for events where admission or participant fees (including donations) are charged and/or event includes
off-campus participants.
- All wedding receptions are charged a $300 room rental fee regardless of room rental.
- Room rental rates include setup of chairs, tables, stage.
- Additional charges for equipment rental or labor may be made for excessive setup requests.
- Room rental charges are for full days or any portion of time between 8 a.m. - close.
- Discounts may apply to groups using multiple rooms. Contact Scheduling & Event Services at 309-398-2421 for

Theatre seating for 35 w/ Head Table (Usually), 8-1951 telephone hookup, sign holder outside the door.

fox os