Quad Cities Campus
About SRA
The purpose of the Student Recreation Association is to assist with the creation of recreation experiences and events for the students, staff, and faculty at the Quad Cities campus. The organization also engages in activities that help promote the professional development of undergraduate and graduate students in the Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration program at WIU. The SRA meets on a regular basis throughout the school year, and it has organized events such as the children's Halloween party; a Mallards Night at the TaxSlayer Center for students, faculty, and staff; and an Annual Spring Conference at the Quad Cities campus that is attended by faculty and students from both campuses. The SRA has also sponsored student attendance at national and state recreation conferences.
Mission Objectives:
- To promote interest in campus and community recreation and leisure.
- To provide fellowship among students and faculty.
- To present student needs and wants in regard to recreation and leisure education and experiences.
- To provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the WIU-QC.
Contact Information
SRA Advisor: Katherine Broughton
Email: KA-Broughton@wiu.edu
Upcoming Events and Meetings
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