Approval Date: 02/10/95
Revision Date: 02/16/06
Approved By: Provost & Vice President for Student Services
Student Absence Policy Clarification
Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Each faculty member determines his or her own policy dealing with class attendance. Therefore, if a student misses a class or classes, the student is expected to discuss the matter with the instructor, and it is up to the discretion of the instructor whether to allow a student to make up any missed assignments, exams, or projects.
If a student knows he or she is going to miss a class, the student is advised and is expected to discuss the situation with the appropriate faculty member in advance and in accordance with that faculty member's guidelines for class attendance. If documentation of the reason or reasons for an absence is desired by the faculty member, the student should inquire of the faculty member what would suffice for that purpose (e.g., medical documentation, proof of court appearance, etc.).
If a student needs medical documentation, he or she should contact the proper medical source directly for whatever material is needed. Neither the Office of Student Development and Orientation nor the Beu Health Center issue excuses for not attending class, but a student may obtain a form indicating the date and time of a completed medical appointment at the Health Center, for example, should a faculty member desire or require such evidence.
If a student makes a decision not to attend a class because of a non-emergency illness or injury (e.g., sore throat, cold, sprained ankle, etc.), it is the responsibility of the student to discuss the absence with the faculty member should the student desire to make up any academic work missed because of the absence. Depending upon such factors as the faculty member's class attendance policy, the reasons for the absence, and the student's prior record of class attendance, the faculty member may or may not grant the request to make up work that has been missed. It is emphasized that it is the individual faculty member's decision whether or not to grant the request.
The Office of Student Development and Orientation will serve as a contact resource for a student in extreme/emergency cases when the student is unable to make contact with a faculty member. Accidents/hospitalizations that occur out of town, death of an immediate family member (mother, father, sister, brother), serious emotional/psychological problems, serious physical injuries or trauma, and medically prescribed inpatient treatment for substance abuse are examples of situations where the Office of Student Development and Orientation might appropriately be contacted and called upon for assistance.
If the president issues a "University Advisory" because of an emergency condition (such as inclement weather) and classes are not canceled, students should arrange with faculty to complete academic course requirements missed during the time of the advisory. If classes only are canceled, faculty members will inform students at a later time how missed course activities will be satisfied. Individual faculty members are responsible for their academic course requirements and it is the individual faculty member's decision whether or not to grant a request to make up work that has been missed as a result of a "University Advisory".
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