Approval Date: 12/09/05
Approved By: Faculty Senate

Policy on Field Trips

Field trips can yield important educational benefits which cannot generally result from classroom experiences. The granting of permission to a student to absent himself/herself from other classes to participate in such a trip should be regarded as a professional courtesy. There may be extraordinary circumstances on a specific occasion where the granting of such permission may not be in the best interests of the student. This is a matter to be considered by the student and the instructor.

Instructors may require students to complete work out of class to compensate for absences.

Instructors should schedule field trips as far in advance as possible, preferably at the beginning of each semester or session. Field trips required for a course must occur within the confines of the semester.

At the beginning of the term, instructors who plan field trips should provide each student involved with a schedule of such trips for the semester and a list of the names of students who will participate and an estimate of the costs involved. The instructors should urge the students to consult with their other instructors to obtain permission to be absent and to make arrangements for making up any work that will be missed. These consultations should take place at least one week in advance of each trip, where possible.