Approval Date: 5/3/2005
Approved By: President

Faculty Policies--Department Chair Responsibilities


The department and the dean recommend the type of search (external or internal) to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who shall, in turn, make a recommendation to the President. The President shall determine the type of search based upon their recommendations. External and internal searches will be conducted in accordance with the Universitys AA/EO Recruiting and Hiring Guidelines.

I. External Search Process

A. After the decision to conduct an external search is made, a Search Committee shall be formed:

The Search Committee shall be comprised of voting members* who are not candidates for the position from the department to which the chair will be appointed. At the discretion of the Dean from the college in which the search is being conducted, additional voting members may be added with the proviso that the department may appoint additional faculty members in order to maintain department faculty majority. The Committee will select a chair from its membership. In the case of departments that share programs with other departments, faculty from those other departments may serve on the Search Committee as ex-officio members.

B. Search Committee Responsibilities

  1. For external searches, develop a job description for advertising the position, in consultation with the Dean and Office of Affirmative Action;
  2. Develop screening criteria appropriate for the position, in consultation with the Dean and Office of Affirmative Action;
  3. Review applications;
  4. Make recommendations to the Dean regarding the candidates to be interviewed on campus;
  5. Determine and implement the procedures for interviewing references and candidates;
  6. Develop and administer voting procedures for department consideration of candidates;
  7. Upon approval by a majority of the voting members of the department, present to the Dean the department's preferred candidate(s).

C. Selection of the Chair - The recommendation for hiring is made by the Dean, subject to the approval of the Affirmative Action Office, the Academic Vice President, and the President.

II. Internal Search Process

A. After the decision to conduct an internal search is made, a Search Committee shall be formed:

The Search Committee will be comprised of voting members* of the department who are not candidates for the position. At the discretion of the Dean from the college in which the search is being conducted, additional voting members may be added with the proviso that the department may appoint additional faculty members in order to maintain department faculty majority. The Committee will select a chair from its membership. In the case of departments that share programs with other departments, faculty from those other departments may serve on the Search Committee as ex-officio members.

B. Search Committee Responsibilities

Develop screening criteria appropriate for the position, in consultation with the Dean and the Office of Affirmative Action; Review applications; Make recommendations to the Dean regarding the candidate(s) to be interviewed; Determine and implement the procedures for interviewing references and candidates; Develop and administer voting procedures for department consideration of candidates; Upon approval by a majority of the voting members of the department, present to the Dean the departments preferred candidate(s).

C. Selection of the Chair - The recommendation for hiring is made by the Dean, subject to the approval of the Affirmative Action Office, the Academic Vice President, and the President.

*Voting members shall be determined by the department according to duly established departmental procedures. "Department" is understood as described under "Department Responsibilities".

Term of Appointment

The department chair shall be appointed for a term of four years. Chairs may be reappointed following a review during the final year of their term of office by the department/division and Dean.

The appointment as department chair does not abridge the chairs right to academic tenure as a faculty member.

Periodic Review

The chair of the department shall be reviewed once every four years. The review shall take place in the fourth year of the chairs current term of office. The review shall be initiated by the Dean and shall follow procedures established by the college for the review of the chair. Reappointment to the position of chair shall be made by the Dean, subject to the approval of the Academic Vice President and the President.

Special Reviews

Special reviews of an appointment in less than four years shall be initiated at the option of (1) the Dean of the college after consultation with the voting members of the department and the Academic Vice President, or (2) by at least a two-thirds majority of the voting members of the department. Each college shall establish, in consultation with its faculty, policies and procedures governing the review procedure. The views of the incumbent chair shall be sought at all stages of the proceedings.

Duties and Responsibilities

The chair, as the chief unit officer, shall be responsible for the execution of University and college policies insofar as they concern the department. More specifically, they shall be responsible, with the counsel and advice of their faculty, either directly or through committees, for:

  • Overseeing and reviewing long-range departmental goals and objectives.
  • Recruiting new faculty and non-academic personnel
  • Evaluating departmental members for retention or non-renewal of appointment.
  • Recommending tenure and promotion.
  • Preparing and administering the departmental budget.
  • Preparing schedules of courses and class assignments of departmental faculty.
  • Supervising the development of department curriculum.
  • Encouraging faculty members in the department to improve themselves professionally through study, research, and participation in professional organizations.
  • Furnishing leadership for evaluation and improvement of instruction and academic advisement in the department.
  • Serving as a review officer with regard to student grievances.
  • Classroom teaching as appropriate and all other matters which affect the general welfare of the department.
  • Convening departmental meetings on a regular basis, but not less than once each semester.

Interim Chairs

If a chair's position unexpectedly becomes vacant, the appointment of an interim chair shall be made by the Dean, in consultation with the members of the department, the Academic Vice President, and the Affirmative Action office. The term of office shall be no more than one year. In the event of a failed search for a permanent chair, the process for selecting an interim chair shall be repeated.