Interview with Krista Bowers Sharpe

Photo of Krista Bowers Sharpe
Krista Bowers Sharpe
Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Libraries
Office Location: Malpass Library
Office Phone: 309/298-2785x1

Do you specialize in any areas?

I received a Master's in Sociology from WIU in 2004 and therefore work with sociology students quite a bit, often those who are in research methods courses or who have a literature review to write for a thesis. I'm the kind of person who has fun using the Thesaurus of Sociological Indexing Terms! I also love learning foreign languages, and will receive a second baccalaureate in Foreign Languages & Culture (German option) from WIU in December 2015. In addition to German, I have taken two years of Japanese, several years of Spanish, and a year of French. I always enjoy helping people when translation plays a role in the question.

What is your favorite thing to research?

If I had to choose what kind of question I'd like someone to ask me when I'm on duty at the Reference Desk, it would be related to art history. "Do you have anything on Vasily Kandinsky?" makes my heart skip a beat. Art history classes were my favorite electives I took while completing a B.A. in history, so I love researching artists, periods, and works of art using our databases and collections.

Tell about a time when you were able to help a patron that really sticks with you.

It seems like every time I help a student who is writing a persuasive paper but is frustrated about finding resources, I am able to save the day by recommending Opposing Viewpoints and InfoTrac. These databases usually bring a relieved look to the student's face and I receive a grateful: "you rock" or "that's exactly what I needed." That makes my day, too.

How can patrons get ahold of you?

309-298-2785 ext 1 or

What do you geek out over?

What don't I geek out over? One of the reasons I decided to become a librarian was that I was fascinated by the incredible variety of research that went on in the college library where I was a work-study student. The job has allowed me to stay pretty current on technology, too, since the tools that librarians use constantly change. In my everyday life I geek out over: gritty Scandinavian and British mysteries, macro photography, Shakespeare, Weissbier, gardening, opera, and yes, the obligatory librarian answer: CATS.

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