
EJView (Environmental Justice)

Screenshot of EJView with the text EJView.


A mapping tool that allows users to create maps and generate detailed reports based on the geographic areas and data sets they choose.



EJView is an interactive mapping system developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that can be used to create maps and generate reports about any U.S. geographic area. Users can enter an address to zoom in on the area and then create maps with the included data. EJView contains data on a number of factors that can impact public health within communities and regions, such as facilities reporting to EPA, non-attainment areas, and air quality data. It also contains a selection of Census demographic data, and county level health data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. With the system, users can map demographic data from the Decennial Census and American Community Survey, such as population density, income, poverty, education, age of homes, ability to speak English and many other environmental and health topics. The system is especially useful for because it allows people who are not GIS literate to map common Census data such as population density, education and income. Users can also find and identify sites that are monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency in an area.

Instructional Guides

Search Tips

Advice for users: Enter an address to zoom in on an area and then explore the system by clicking on the plus signs and in the check boxes to turn map layers on and off. Users can zoom in and out of the map by using the scroll wheel on their mouse or clicking on the + and - magnifying glass symbols on the left side of the map area. They can move the map around by clicking the left mouse button to grab the map and drag it to view another area.


EJView is a free from the Federal Government.