Human Resources

Hiring - 6 Step Process

  1. Initiate Search Process (Hiring Administrator)
    1. Complete Request to Fill Faculty or Administrative Position form
    2. Develop Position Description
    3. Develop Position Anouncement
    4. Appoint Search and Screening Committee
  2. Plan & Develop Search
    1. Convene Committee & Define Their Role
    2. Develop Advertising Plan
  3. Receive & Screen Materials
    1. As applications are received, the Interview Exchange System will acknowledge receipt of the applicaiton.
    2. Screen Applicants
    3. Check References
  4. Interview Applicants
  5. Recommend Acceptable Candidates (Search Committee) and Select Final Candidate (Hiring Administrator)
  6. Submit Hiring Document


Assistance with Documents

If you need this content in an alternative form, contact Human Resources at or call (309) 298-1971.