School of Agriculture
Some academic departments, colleges and other areas do not provide a major at the graduate level. However, these areas do offer courses for graduate credit. Permission to use these courses in a degree program must be obtained from the appropriate Departmental Graduate Committee.
Director: Andrew J. Baker
School Office: Knoblauch Hall 145
Telephone: (309) 298-1080
Graduate Faculty
- Andrew J. Baker, Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia
- Winthrop B. Phippen, Ph.D., Purdue University
Associate Graduate Faculty
- Kevin J. Bacon, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
- Joel Gruver, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Associate Professors
- Graciela C. Andrango, Ph.D., Kansas State University
- Dan Atherton, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
- Shelby Henning, Ph.D., University of Illinois
- Mark D. Hoge, Ph.D., Michigan State University
- Keela Trennepohl, Ph.D., University of Illinois
Course Descriptions
Agriculture (AGRI)
439G Special Methods in Agriculture. (3) Analysis of objectives, selection, development, and organization of teaching units; development of procedural techniques, program implementation, and evaluation. Includes clinical experience. Grade of C- required in this class. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
507 Seminar. (1, repeatable to 4) Student participation and presentation of current topics in the major area.
508 Special Topics. (1–5, repeatable to 5) Topics which are not assigned or covered in other courses. The title and outline of the course will vary according to the topic, instructor, and needs of the students. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
430G (cross-listed with ECON 430G) Environmental Economics. (3) This interdisciplinary course examines economic issues involving the interactions between humans and the environment. The course addresses conflicts in land, air, and water use and the role of assigned property rights and public policies in resolving environmental problems. Prerequisites: AGRI 220 or ECON 232.
437G US Agricultural Trade. (3) Overview of U.S. agricultural trade; examination of issues that impact international agricultural trade, including trade agreements, country-of-origin labeling, food safety, and risk assessments; examination of changes in world agricultural production and trade patterns over time. Prerequisites: AGRI 200 or ECON 231.
442G Marketing Grain and Livestock Products. (3) Economic principles of marketing grain and livestock, with an emphasis on the marketing activities of producers and distributors of grain, livestock and their products. Risk and quality management issues are included. Prerequisite: AGEC 333.
443G Agricultural Finance. (3) Financing problems and opportunities in agriculture. Sources of finance, financing costs, analysis of investment opportunities, financial management and estate planning. Three hours lecture Prerequisite: AGRI 220 or ECON 232.
447G Commodities Markets and Futures Trading. (3) Futures trading institutions, technical analysis, multiple hedging, and speculation. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: AGEC 333 or ECON 330 or ECON 332 or FIN 311 or FIN 331.
455G Advanced Agricultural Marketing. (3) Options and futures, applied research methods. Current events. Prerequisite: AGEC 447.
457G Market Profile®. (3) Use of the Chicago Board of Trade Market Profile®; and Liquidity Data Bank®; for hedging and speculation. Not available to students who have completed AGEC 459. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: AGEC 447.
460G U.S. Agricultural Policy. (3) Examination of U.S. agricultural policies, with an emphasis on current farm legislation and regulation. Includes analysis of the impact of contemporary agricultural policies on farming operations. Prerequisites: AGRI 220 or ECON 231 or ECON 232.
539 U.S. Agricultural Trade. (3) An examination of the role of U.S. agricultural trade from an applied perspective. Trading blocs’ impact on agriculture in aligned and non-aligned countries will be considered. Business practices and cultural norms will be addressed. The “Americas” will be emphasized. Prerequisite: ECON 548 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
Agriculture Occupations Education (AGED)
520 Basic Curriculum and Skill Development in Agriculture Mechanics. (3) The course is designed to teach basic curriculum and skill development in agricultural mechanics for agriculture teachers with seven or less years of teaching experience. Students will have the opportunity to apply mechanical principles in metal fabrication, carpentry, woodworking, internal combustion engines, and electrification in a laboratory setting associated with the agriculture field. Students will also be able to learn theoretical principles behind agricultural mechanics. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Agricultural Technology Management (AGTM)
464G Agricultural Processing, Grain Drying and Storage Systems. (3) Application of engineering principles pertaining to drying, storing, and handling of agricultural products. Three hours lecture.
471G Agricultural Remote Sensing. (3) Course addresses concepts of remote sensing for precision agriculture. Some topics include: global positioning system (GPS) accuracy, differential GPS, vegetative spectral reflectance signatures, multispectral and hyperspectral imagery, indices, and various analysis techniques for agricultural datasets. Two hours lecture; two hours lab. Prerequisites: AGTM 207 or GEOG 209, or permission of the instructor.
472G Agricultural Analysis & Decision Making. (3) Course presents methods for analysis of agricultural data to facilitate data-driven decision making for precision agriculture. Some topics include: map scale and projection, coordinate systems, soil nutrient maps, yield maps, interpolation and analysis methods, and creation of prescription maps. Two hours lecture; two hours lab. Prerequisites: AGTM 207 or GIS 201, or permission of the instructor.
Agronomy (AGRN)
479G Weed Control. (3) Identification, biology and distribution of weeds; weed interference of desirable plant growth; herbicide classification, use, and environmental fate; appropriate application of chemical, cultural, biological, and mechanical weed control methods. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisites: AGRN 373.
Animal Science (ANSC)
415G Beef Production and Management. (4) Consideration of commercial cow-calf, purebred, stocker, and finishing beef production systems. Integration of genetics, nutrition, and reproduction. Record keeping and business aspects. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisites: ANSC 314 and 322, or permission of the instructor.
416G Swine Science. (3) A study of selection principles, nutrition, breeding, reproduction, disease prevention, and management practices applied to swine production. Two hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisites: ANSC 314 and 322, or permission of the instructor.
424G Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation. (3) Principles of physiology and functioning of the endocrine system in relationship to reproduction, infertility, and lactation in farm animals. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: ANSC 112 or BOT 200 or ZOOL 200.
Conservation (CONS)
405G Soil and Water Conservation. (4) The study of the maintenance of a quality environment through the conservation of soil and water resources. Four hours lecture.
Forestry (FOR)
406G Tree Care Science - Arboriculture. (4) Detailed study of woody plants emphasizing growth and development, planting, pruning, fertilization, maintenance, integrated pest management, plant health diagnostics, and plant care product safety. Prepare students to acquire pesticide applicator license and for portions of the ISA Certified Arborist exam. Prerequisite: FOR 200 or permission of the instructor.
407G Community Forest Management. (3) Urban and rural community forest management principles: Conducting Arbor Day program, tree planting, inventories, advocacy, risk assessment, valuation, vegetation management, and utilitarian use of trees. Topics prepare students for portions of the ISA Certified Arborist Exam. Prerequisite: FOR 200 or permission of the instructor.
Horticulture (HORT)
485G Turf Management. (3) Establishment and maintenance of turf grass for lawns, golf courses, and recreational areas including athletic fields. Two hours lecture; two hours lab. Prerequisite: AGRN 176 or HORT 180.
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