Athletic Facility Enhancements
WIU Project Managers Michael Hott and Mark Blaylock
Project Scope Various improvements for Track and Field, Volleyball, and Women's Basketball
External Vendors List Industries, Moore's Floors
Project Budgets:
Track and Field: $27,650
Volleyball: $15,200
Women's Basketball: $7,000
Completion Date August 2016
Project Description
These projects are being funded by donations through the Athletic Foundation and from funds raised through concession sales. Descriptions for each project are listed below.
Track and Field: This project will take a room previously used for equipment storage and convert it into a meeting space for the Track & Field/Cross Country teams. Upgrades include new carpeting, entry doors, secure storage for the athletes, new benches, upgraded lighting, and fresh paint.
Volleyball: This locker room will have new carpet and six additional athletic lockers installed. The opening between the locker area and the team room will be expanded and the room will be freshly painted.
Women's Basketball: This locker room will receive a total carpet replacement complete with a new logo.
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