The Right Choice for Your Success

Education Summit
hosted by WIU President Dr. Guiyou Huang

Wednesday December 6, 2023
9 a.m. - Noon

 Join Dr. Guiyou Huang, President of Western Illinois University, and experts from the WIU College of Education and Human Services for an education summit. Dr. Huang will provide a welcome and set the tone for the day.

 During this event, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Network with colleagues from K-12, community college and four-year universities and enjoy a wonderful breakfast.

Discussion Topics led by the College of Education and Human Services:

  • The Deepening Teacher Shortage: Are Alternative Pathways to Licensure Working?
  • Post-pandemic Student Trauma: Social and Mental Health Issues
  • Schooling in Forgottonia: Contemporary Rural Educational Issues

RSVP today!

This event will be held in the Capitol Room in the University Union on WIU's Macomb campus. Check-in, networking and plated breakfast will begin at 8:30 a.m.

The formal program will start at 9 a.m.