Jennifer Grimm, MS


Academic Advisor
Office Phone: (309) 298-1938
Office: Memorial 335C
Office Hours: by appointment
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M.S. in College Student Personnel, Western Illinois University
B.A. in Psychology, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

Jennifer K. Grimm is the Academic Advisor for students majoring in Communication, Broadcasting & Journalism and Speech Pathology & Audiology. As an academic advisor Jennifer assists undergraduate students who are working to earn a Bachelors degree from WIU. Jennifer currently serves as a COFAC representative for the Council of Academic Advisors. Jennifer was named the 2017 NACADA Outstanding Advisor, the 2016 WIU Academic Advisor of the Year, and in 2008 she was named the Employee of the Year by the Council of Administrative Professionals (COAP). Before coming to Western in 2004 Jennifer was the Director of Orientation and Transition Programs in the First Year Experience Office at Minnesota State University. She also served as a Residence Life Coordinator, Housing and Dining Services at Kansas State University. Before beginning work on her master's degree Jennifer worked at Bridgeway, Inc as a Child Advocate and Visitation Specialist.

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