Military Science

Illinois State ROTC Scholarship

  1. The Illinois State ROTC Scholarship encourages and rewards ROTC cadets who combine strong academics with outstanding leadership qualities. This scholarship is in effect while you remain in ROTC and fulfill the requirements outlined below.
  2. In return for the award of this scholarship you must take a serious look at a career as an Army Officer. The events listed below will assist you in making an informed decision about continuing in the ROTC program.
  3. The requirements for maintaining the Illinois State Scholarship are:
    1. Be honestly considering the option of adding a commission as an Officer to your degree.
    2. Maintain a 2.5 or greater cumulative GPA.
    3. Maintain a 3.0 or greater Military Science GPA.
    4.  Attend all classes and required labs.
  4. Obtain medical approval (DA form 3425) for physical training and attend twice weekly.
  5.  During your MS I and MSII year you must also accomplish the following:
    1. Attend Physical Fitness Training twice a week.
    2.  Attend the Fall Awards Ceremony.
    3. Take all scheduled APFTs.
    4. Attend the Military Ball (optional).
    5. Attend the Spring Awards Ceremony.
    6. Attend Fall FTX.
  6. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in termination of your scholarship.
  7. If you decide not to continue in the ROTC program inform your instructor so another student may receive the scholarship.