Spotlight on Research
Under the chair of Dr. Jess House, the Department of Educational Leadership at Western Illinois University presented the first issue of the Spotlight on Research in June of 2010.
Each issue highlights selected dissertation research conducted by doctoral students in the School of Education. The purpose of this research brief is to share our work with other scholars and practitioners, school administrators, stakeholders, and policy makers.
Please feel free to share these publications with your colleagues or to contact the School of Education or the authors about their research.
Dissertations by Western Illinois University Educational Leadership Doctoral Candidates
The dissertations listed in the table below were completed by graduates of the WIU Educational Leadership doctoral program from 2008-2020. Their research covers a wide range of national, state, and local educational issues experienced in Iowa and Illinois public education. The complete manuscripts can be found at as referenced.
Dissertations highlighted in Spotlight on Research are in bold and linked to the abstracts published on the Educational Leadership website.
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