Eric C. Sheffield, Ph.D.

Eric C. Sheffield, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean, College of Education & Human Services
Professor, Social Foundations

Office: Horrabin Hall Dean's office
Phone: 309-298-1690

Curriculum Vitae

I am the Assistant Dean of the College of Education and Human Services here at Western Illinois University and hold the rank of professor. My professional evolution has been informed by my personal history as a high school English teacher, social foundations professor/scholar, and now administrator. Prior to coming to higher education, I taught high school English (14 years) in Putnam County Florida. Upon (finally) finishing my P.h.D at the University of Florida, I was hired by Southwest Missouri State University—now Missouri State University (MSU)—where I taught social foundations courses and served as a graduate degree program coordinator. Following my time at MSU (another 14 years in length), I landed here at Western Illinois University as department chair in the summer of 2017. My research interests include community service learning, philosophy of education, democratic education, dystopian educational theory, and love…among other educational matters.