Feng Liu
Assistant ProfessorPhoto of Feng Liu

Stipes Hall 424
(309) 298-1152

Ph.D. Economics, University of Mississippi, 2018, Essays on Econometrics and Macroeconomics
M.S. Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (China)
B.S. Statistics, Qingdao University (China)

Feng Liu got her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Mississippi in 2018. She is interested in financial bubbles, monetary policy, and econometrics. Currently, she works on a greater-fool bubble model with coauthors, which is able to explain the presence of bubbles even when everyone is rational. They also show that asset-deflation policy (anti-bubble policy) might reduce agents' welfare, so bursting bubbles might not be a good thing. She is teaching regression analysis and management science this semester.

Upper Division and Graduate Course Responsibilities

Decision Sciences 303: Applied Business Forecasting and Regression Analysis
Decision Sciences 423: Management Science Techniques and Business Analytics
Decision Sciences 510: Mathematical Foundations of Business Analytics
Decision Sciences 523: Management Science Techniques and Business Analytics