Business Services

Per Diem Calculator Instructions

The new Per Diem Calculator has been updated to assist with calculating the rates that went into effect on January 1, 2024. To utilize this calculator, do the following:

  1. Go to the University’s Travel Services website
  2. Click on the “After January 1, 2024” button (Please only click on this button for travel beginning on or after January 1, 2024)
  3. Click on “Per Diem Calculator”
  4. Enter departure and return dates and times
  5. Determine the meal amounts for the traveler’s specific destination
    1. If travel is within the State of Illinois, click on the first web link
    2. If travel is outside of Illinois, click on the second web link
  6. Enter applicable amounts in the Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner boxes
  7. Click on the “Enter” box
  8. Check the boxes for any meals provided including continental breakfasts provided by hotels regardless of whether the traveler utilized that option.
  9. Click on the “Submit” box
  10. Select “Print This Page” and include the document with the travel voucher

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Travel Services at or by calling (309) 298-1811.