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WIU vs. NIU Pre-Game Social and Football Game, 9/12/09
Front row, l-r: Lisa Guthrie ’09, Chrissy Tluczek '07 and Nick Jackson ’07. Back row, l-r: Phil Goens, Randall Shelton, Ronald Chatmon ’80, Ron Jones, Mike Miller, Alumni Achievement Award recipient Darryl Hollimon ’83 MBA ’93, Dion Jefferson ’87 and Kyle Collins.
WIU vs. NIU Pre-Game Social and Football Game, 9/12/09
Seated, l-r: April Clincy, Kathy Sorenson, Kimberly Laney ’94 MA ’96, Kimberly Aldridge ’94 and Sandy DeNotto. Standing, l-r: Latisha Tyler, Dave Pater ’07, Chris Conner, Colin Parker ’05 MS ’07, Curt Alsvig ’06, Randall “Boomer” Moore ’08, College of Fine Arts and Communication Development Director Mick Cumbie, Steve Sarver ’92, Steve Hacker ’75, Thomas Kaster ’74 and Phil DeNotto ’73.
WIU vs. NIU Pre-Game Social and Football Game, 9/12/09
Seated, l-r: Bill Lucky ’70 MBA ’71, Women’s Basketball Head Coach Leslie Crane, Alumni Council member and 2009 Town and Gown Award recipient Jerry Cremer ’89, Diana Dubsky Cremer ’74 MS-ED ’83, Bill Howe ’88, Chuck Trumpinski ’63 and Pam Wynne. Standing, l-r: Michael Grzywinski ’91, David Bargiel ’90, Craig Neader ’75, Cindy Neader, Patrick Dockins MS ’00, Kate Ceh Dockins MS ’99, Jill Maxa Gabbert MS ’99, Scott Gabbert MS ’99, Duane Kovacek ’71, Bill Iser ’66, Pat Walsh ’64 and Ron Wynne ’71.
WIU vs. NIU Pre-Game Social and Football Game, 9/12/09
Seated, l-r: John Good ’78 MA ’90, Thomas Kaster ’74, Jenelle Urban ’01, Maureen Hay Ciobanu ’02, Angela Hutti ’03, Shauna Thomasson Lewis ’01, Alumni Council member Jim Carter ’75 and Alumni Achievement Award recipient Connie Kowal ’74. Standing, l-r: Alumni Council member Jim Phillips ’98 MA ’00, Jeff Schmidt ’94, Philip Pogue ’68 ED SP ’78, Dirk Pogue ’76 MS-ED ’78, Devin Pogue, Tom Pogue ’71, Florin Ciobanu, Jake Brolsma, Stacey Pichik Brolsma ’02, LeAnn Heathcoat, Jason Heathcoat ’00, Chris Lewis MS ’01, David Becker ’82, Vice President for Student Services Garry Johnson and Alumni Achievement Award recipient Marcus Sipolt ’77.
